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Writing an EXPERImonitor client

Building Sample EXPERImonitor Clients


Before running any of the samples provided in the EXPERImonitor API, please ensure you have run through the EXPERImonitor installation procedure described in the README in the root folder of this API.

EXPERImonitor development tool

To assist with initial client development, an ‘EXPERImonitor Container’ desktop application has been created that can be quickly run to test client (rather than deploying the full EXPERImonitor web-based service). This tool can be found in the samples folder:


It behaves like a very simple EXPERImonitor dashboard and so requires configuring in the same way (using the & files - information on the use of these is provided in the main documentation). You can use this tool with the development of any of the clients described below. This tool has been pre-built for you in all official releases of the EXPERImonitor API in the binaries ZIP; to run it, execute the BAT file:

<EXPERImonitor distribution root>\<Release>\ECC API samples\runBasicContainer.bat

If you are working from a SNAPSHOT view, then you will need to build and run the tool manually.

Java clients

Running the Java clients is an easy way to get started with the EXPERImonitor. The EXPERImonitor API provides a collection of Java based client examples, these are:

  • basicECCClient - A simple client with desktop GUI that pushes/gets pulled for one metric
  • headlessECCClient - A more advanced command line only client that also uses a local database to store its metrics
  • dynamicEntityDemoClient - A more advanced GUI based client that allows the user to ‘enable’/’disable’ metric collection for specific entities

You can use any Maven supporting Java development tool to build and run these samples.

Android client

An Android EXPERImonitor client has also been provided:

  • basicAndroidClient - A simple example of an Android implementation for the EXPERImonitor.

This must be uploaded to an Android 4.2.x device - it uses the default EM UUID (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000); the user can specify the IP address of the RabbitMQ server in the UI. Please see the README in the development folder of this client for further build information.

C# Client

To build and run the C# client, you will first need to build the EXPERImonitor C# API. In order to do so, first install Visual Studio 2010 (updating to include all service packs is recommended). This EXPERImonitor platform is under development and does not support EDMAgent functionality. Steps for building and running the EXPERImonitor C# client follows:

  1. Set up your RabbitMQ/PostgreSQL services locally (see documentation)

  2. Install Visual Studio 2010

  3. Open the solution file:

    extensions/dotNetClientAPI/DotNet ECC Api.sln
  4. Build the solution

  5. Start the Basic ECC Container (see above) or EXPERImonitor Dashboard (see below)

  6. Run the ‘SimpleHeadlessECCClient’ EXE project (linked to solution; found in ‘samples/basicDotNetClient’)

    • This should connect the C# client to the EXPERImonitor via your local RabbitMQ service using the EM UUID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    • Step through to the Live Monitoring phase to start gathering two simple metrics

C++ Client

To build and run the C++ EXPERImonitor client, you will first need to build the EXPERImonitor C++ API.


The EXPERImonitor C++ API is has been developed with a view to providing as much cross-platform compatibility as possible. There are three main 3rd party libraries you will be required to build for your system platform before compiling the EXPERImonitor API itself. These 3rd party libraries are:

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are building using Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, you only need to follow steps:

  • Building the Boost Libraries
  • Building the Microsoft Visual Studio Solution

Building the Boost Libraries

Almost all of the C++ libraries constructed in this API require Boost. Once you have downloaded and unzipped the Boost distribution, you sould:

  1. Boot-strap your BOOST libraries (to build system libraries for stage/lib/..)

  2. Make sure you define your BOOST root directory path variable (see BOOST instruction set)

Building rabbitmq-c-v0.3.0

Dependencies: NONE.

A copy of the rabbitmq-c-v0.3.0 source can be found in the following directory:

<EXPERImonitor API root>/extensions/cppClientAPI/amqpAPI/rabbitmq-c-v0.3.0

Instructions on how to use cmake in conjunction with your platform compiler is provided in the README files within this folder. Having successfully compiled rabbitmq-c-v0.3.0 you should have release/debug version of the following binaries:

  • rabbitmq.lib (or equivalent library file)
  • rabbitmq.exp (or equivalent library export definition file)
  • rabbitmq.dll (or equivalent dynamic library executable)


  • rabbitmq-c-v0.3.0

A copy of the SimpleAmqpClient source can be found in the following directory:

<EXPERImonitor API root>/extensions/cppClientAPI/amqpAPI/rabbit-c-wrapper

Instructions on how to use cmake in conjunction with your platform compiler is provided in the README files within this folder. Having successfully compiled SimpleAmqpClient you should have release/debug version of the following binaries:

  • SimpleAmqpClient.lib (or equivalent library file)
  • SimpleAmqpClient.exp (or equivalent library export definition file)
  • SimpleAmqpClient.dll (or equivalent dynamic library executable)

C++ EXPERImonitor API libraries

The following modular libraries need to be built before compiling an EXPERImonitor client:

  • eccCodeUtils.lib
  • amqp-Impl.lib
  • eccCommonDataModel.lib
  • eccEMClient-Impl.lib

The details for building each library are provided below.

EXPERImonitor library: eccCodeUtils


The source files required for this library can be found here:

<EXPERImonitor API root>/extensions/cppClientAPI/eccCodeUtils/Utils

This should be built as a static library (currently available as a Visual Studio 2010 project), and result in the following binaries:

  • eccCodeUtils.lib (or equivalent library file)

EXPERImonitor library: amqp-Impl


  • rabbitmq-c-v0.3.0
  • SimpleAmqpClient
  • eccCodeUtils

The source files required for this library can be found here:

<EXPERImonitor API root>/extensions/cppClientAPI/amqp-Spec
<EXPERImonitor API root>/extensions/cppClientAPI/amqp-Impl/amqp
<EXPERImonitor API root>/extensions/cppClientAPI/amqp-Impl/faces

This should be built as a static library (currently available as a Visual Studio 2010 project), and result in the following binaries:

  • amqp-Impl.lib (or equivalent library file)

EXPERImonitor library: eccCommonDataModel


  • eccCodeUtils

The source files required for this library can be found here:

<EXPERImonitor API root>/extensions/cppClientAPI/eccCommonDataModel/Base
<EXPERImonitor API root>/extensions/cppClientAPI/eccCommonDataModel/Experiment
<EXPERImonitor API root>/extensions/cppClientAPI/eccCommonDataModel/Metrics
<EXPERImonitor API root>/extensions/cppClientAPI/eccCommonDataModel/Monitor

This should be built as a static library (currently available as a Visual Studio 2010 project), and result in the following binaries:

  • eccCommonDataModel.lib (or equivalent library file)

EXPERImonitor library: eccEMClient-Impl

  • SimpleAmqpClient
  • eccCodeUtils
  • amqp-Impl
  • eccCommonDataModel

The source files required for this library can be found here:

<EXPERImonitor API root>/extensions/cppClientAPI/eccEMClient-Spec/impl
<EXPERImonitor API root>/extensions/cppClientAPI/eccEMClient-Spec/listeners
<EXPERImonitor API root>/extensions/cppClientAPI/eccEMClient-Impl/impl

This should be built as a static library (currently available as a Visual Studio 2010 project), and result in the following binaries:

  • eccEMClient-Impl.lib (or equivalent library file)

Example C++ EXPERImonitor client

  • SimpleAmqpClient
  • eccCodeUtils
  • amqp-Impl
  • eccCommonDataModel
  • eccEMClient-Impl

Having successfully built the EXPERImonitor API libraries, you are now able to compile the example client found here:

<EXPERImonitor API root>/samples/basicCPPClient

NOTE: This client code lives in the SAMPLES folder because it is an example of an EXPERImonitor client, rather than code relating to the EXPERImonitor API itself. The code should be built as an executable (currently available as a Visual Studio 2010 project) and result in the following binary:

  • BasicCPPClient.exe (or equivalent)

This executable requires the 3rd party dynamic libraries rabbitmq.dll and SimpleAmqpClient.dll (or equivalent) to be present on the executable path to run.

Building the Microsoft Visual Studio Solution

If you are building using Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, you can build the EXPERImonitor C++ API in two steps:

  1. Install and build your BOOST libraries

  2. Open and build the Visual Studio solution:

    <EXPERImonitor API root>/extensions/cppClientAPI/vsSolution/CPP ECC API.sln

You should be able to run the basicCPPClient directly from Visual Studio.